
Revision Hip Arthroplasty

Hip revision surgery is performed to repair an artificial hip joint that has been damaged over time due to an infection, or due to normal wear of the prosthetic implants.

Revision Hip Arthroplasty
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Revision Knee Arthroplasty

Knee revision surgery is performed to repair an artificial knee joint that has been damaged over time due to an infection, or due to normal wear of the prosthetic implants.


Revision Knee Arthroplasty
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Deformities Correction/Fractures

Internal and external osteosynthesis materials designed to treat fractures and bone malformations in children.

Deformities Correction/Fractures
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Intramedullary Nails

Intramedullary nails for the treatment of long bone fractures


Intramedullary Nails
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Circular Frames

External osteosynthesis according to the ILLIZAROF method in an improved version, using online correction programs.

Circular Frames
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Hybrid Frames

External osteosynthesis of hybrid type (combination of circular frames with unilateral units).


Hybrid Frames
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Lengthening Nails

Specific intramedullary nails for bone elongation

Lengthening Nails
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Circular Frames

External osteosynthesis according to the ILLIZAROF method in an improved version, using online correction programs.

Circular Frames
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